Restart the Game

I awaken in a dark musty room. The walls seem to be wood, and the room has an eerie feel to it. As I explore the room, I find what seems to be a door. Upon opening this door, I find a dark corridor with small lanterns hanging by hooks. A feeling of dread fills my body as I begin to walk forward.
I just realized that I have no memory of being here. All I remember is the word restart. I found a note on the wall. It reads that if I want to survive, I must find the big purple door. I continue walking, but now a bit faster. It feels as if I have no control over my mobility. Heading towards a sharp turn, I look around the corner. The hall is now almost pitch black as I find a new door. I find a new note on the wall saying enter. I proceed into the next room.
I'm entering a section that has a body chained to the wall in the corner. I let a shriek escape my lungs. The body has no eyes, yet the head turns to my every movement. I'm terrified at the sight, yet continue down the path. This time, the corridor starts to zig zag.
I find another note. This time it reads like a journal entry, and I feel like I wrote it. It says that my name is Joe. I a wife and two kids who all died in a tragic car accident. I sit. As I start to take it all in, a tear comes from my eye. Then another. I had a life once. Then it was all taken away from me. So how did I get here?
I go through the hallway looking for more papers. I need to find out more about my life and what happened to me. I'm starting to get hungry, but I need to continue. I stumble upon what appears to be an old computer. Mystified, I turn it on. I open the email button and find a message. It reads as follows.
Good day, sir. Do you know who I am? I'm the one who brought you here. The one who is prey. I am the predator. I brought you here to hunt. It is never fun to kill without a grand hunt now is it? By the way, I killed your family. I did it in a rather brutal fashion too. Let the hunt begin my friend. I am quite hungry.
I'm enraged. Whatever this thing is, he killed my family. He will not kill me. I just hear a thump. Now scampering. Oh god, I have to get our of here. I'm running down a path. Paintings cover the perimeter of the wall. Each of them looks like a monster with a face of malice. The scampering just stopped. Good thing too, as I just found another note. It reads as follows.
This dark place. It has no end. A monster lurks around this place hungry, vicious. No man can stop it. There is nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. It has claws like a bear and the head if a man. It has human teeth, yet inhuman eyes.
Things are starting to calm down. My heart still pumps though. The description of such a beast is terrifying. What scares me the most is that something like that was just chasing me. Regathering my thoughts is hard. I find a flashlight in the corner of the hallway. These hallways don't end do they? Will I ever find the purple door?
I continue my journey quickly, as I do not want to meet that thing. I shudder at the thought of a face to face encounter. My thoughts now float to my family. How did they die? The thing said it was brutal. All in all, I don't think I want to know all of the details. The sound of tapping fills my ears. I think I should walk faster.
I just walked into a wall covered in blood. There in nowhere to go past here. I'm looking around to find a new path. My search is to no avail. I just heard a creak somewhere in the distance. My eyes take another scan yet again. What a dope I am. I passed the purple door. I can't go now. The creature is right in front of it. It is walking around searching for me. I cannot say for sure whether it knows I'm here.
The thing is coming closer now. What does it want with me? Why me? Questions are filling my mind right now. The thing reeks of death. It's now or never. I rush past it towards the purple door. Fear is giving me an extra speed boost. I'm can make it. I'm almost there. It just grabbed me. I was so close. I feel the unbearable pain of human-like teeth sinking into my shoulder. I hear a kids voice.
"Dang, my character was killed again. Now I have to restart the game."
I awaken in a musty room.